Title: On the Edge of Humanity (Vampire SEALS #1)
Format: Kindle Ebook
Pages: 325
Published: 28th Dec 2012
Publisher: Self Published
Source: Bought
Genre: YA Paranormal
Shelfability: Acquire
**About The Book**
How far would you go to save a loved one?
Natural-born vampires are born not made. Some humans, who roam the earth, are not even aware they carry such DNA
Sixteen-year-old Jo Mason is lost in a world where traipsing from one foster home to another is normal. She hates her life, she hates school and on most days, she hates living.
Her normal world shifts when she discovers her twin brother Sam has gone missing between Anger Management class and History Class.
She’s called to the principal’s office to meet Lieutenant Webb London, a Navy SEAL who is part of a secret team of natural-born vampires. His mission is to protect the twins from an evil cartel, but he’s too late. With Jo now under his protection, his team searches for Sam.
However, finding and rescuing Sam from the evil cartel may be the easy part. Jo learns she carries a dormant vampire gene that, if activated, could save him. As her normal world fades even more, pushing her closer to the edge of humanity, Jo must decide if her human life is more important than her twin brother


After reading Dare to Kiss by the same author I was looking for more of her work and found this  FREE on amazon! That is right! You can grab this currently for free and I highly suggest getting because it was such a quick and enjoyable read. It's not perfect but overall a really good story.
Source: http://weeshubbasworld.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/book-review-on-edge-of-humanity.html