Title: Cartel

Format: eArc

Pages: 336

Published: 27th Jan 2015

Publisher: Harper Collins

Source: Publisher for Review

Genre: Dark Romance

Shelfability: Covet

Buy: Amazon UK / Amazon US


How much is a life worth?


Mariana Rodriguez is the eldest daughter of a Colombian drug lord. Growing up in Villanueva, Colombia, she has never wanted for anything. Private schools, a lavish lifestyle, and the safety of the Cartel that her father works for.


At nineteen, she's got her entire life mapped out, and what a good life it's going to be: graduate from college, move to America, and finally be free from the stifling grip of the Cartel.

Only, her father messes up. A shipment of cocaine - a very large, very valuable shipment - is seized by the authorities whilst under his care and he becomes liable for the debt. Half a million dollars' worth of cocaine.


Half a million dollars he does not have.


But he has a daughter, a very smart one, a daughter who would give up her very existence and offer herself as payment for her father's sins, to ensure her family survives.


But falling in love with the man who owns her isn't part of the plan ...

I had never read any of the Gypsy Brothers books before. So I had no previous knowledge when I started reading the spin off series. I don't think you need to read the other books to enjoy this though. I devoured this. I was drawn in by the darkness of it. It was twisted and sick, yet I bloody loved every single second of it.


Read Full Review: http://weeshubbasworld.blogspot.co.uk/2015/12/book-review-cartel-cartel-1-by-lili-st.html